Circular Talks #6
Improving Food Value Chain and Efficiency to avoid Food Loss and Waste
As part of efforts to promote green economic growth and implement a circular economy, the Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources of Bappenas plans to hold the Green Economy Expo 2024. This event aims to: 1) bring together stakeholders (government and non-government) to identify solutions for issues related to the green economy; 2) promote green technologies and innovations currently being developed by national stakeholders; and 3) provide opportunities to explore ideas and exchange thoughts in the context of green technology and innovation. The main topics to be discussed at this exhibition include the development of a circular economy ecosystem, comprehensive energy transition, and strengthening research and development.
The Green Economy Expo 2024 offers participants the chance to network, form partnerships, and build synergies to drive future change. Stakeholders expected to actively participate in the dialogue include representatives from central and provincial governments, industry, academia, financial institutions, and the community. The Green Economy Expo will also host various thematic talk shows over the course of three days. The discussions will revolve around the circular economy, including topics related to the management of food loss and waste.
Given the urgency of the triple planetary crisis, implementing a circular economy is needed to address climate change and other global challenges, such as biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution, by decoupling economic activity from the consumption of limited resources. The circular economy is defined as an economic model that applies a systemic approach to minimize resource use, design products to have the longest possible lifespan, and return production and consumption residues to the value chain. In practice, the principles of the circular economy have been widely applied in societal arrangements. However, the governance concept in Indonesia has not yet been comprehensively and integratively implemented. Specifically, in the management of food loss and waste, to enhance the supply chain value and efficiency and avoid food losses and waste, it is important to implement strategies focused on more prudent use of resources and waste management. This approach can not only increase efficiency in the food supply chain but also reduce negative environmental impacts and enhance overall food security.
Through the talk show themed “Improving Food Value Chain and Efficiency to Avoid Food Loss and Waste,” it is hoped that stakeholders will be attracted to discuss the general condition of the food value chain, the main challenges, and steps to increase efficiency and prevent food loss and waste, as well as formulate concrete solutions and supporting policies.

Prita Laura
Presidential Staff Office
- Speakers

Nyoto Suwignyo
Deputy for Food and Nutrition Vulnerability, National Food Agency (Bapanas)

Ema Setyawati
Deputy for Processed Food Supervision, National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM)

Agnes A. Mallipu
Director of The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)

Eva Bachtiar
CEO Garda Pangan

Lucia Karina
Deputy General Chairperson for Sustainable Tourism, PHRI

Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih
Deputy Chancellor for Innovation Research and Community Development Airlangga University
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