The Indonesian government has established a green economy to implement sustainable economic transformation towards its Golden Vision in 2045. The Low Carbon Development and Climate Resilience support the Green Economic Transformation to boost Indonesia’s economic growth and achieve net zero emissions by 2060 or earlier. The green economic interventions through Low Carbon Development and Climate Resilience offer a GDP growth in 2025-2045 of 6.22%. The Green Economy will also provide a stepping stone to objectively and systematically achieve sustainable development and net zero emission targets that contribute to a better world future and realize Indonesia’s Vision in 2045 as a “Sovereign, Advanced and Sustainable Archipelago”.
Therefore, support from all parties is needed to implement a green economy through a comprehensive energy transition, a circular economy implementation, and strengthening research and technology. Several initiatives have been carried out by the government, which mostly focuses on developing regulations and enabling conditions for implementing the green economy, as well as the private sector, which is trying to develop technology and innovation. However, a robust ecosystem through multi-stakeholder collaboration is needed to strengthen several of these initiatives. Thus, a medium is needed where all parties can meet, talk and collaborate to unite and systematize solutions and actions for implementing a green economy. Organizing exhibitions, known as ‘expo’, is a form of catalyst to encourage various parties to network, build awareness and transfer knowledge to the public, for example, regarding products, services and various other innovations that contribute to the green economy.
Proposed Theme :
Resource efficiency
Theme :
Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources Efficiency, Water Efficiency Competition
Competition Time :
April – June 2024 Participants
Participans Target:
College Students and young people (under 35 years old)
Competition Prizes :
Purpose :
As a “teaser” regarding the Green Economy Expo activities in July 2024. The public lecture plan will invite prominent people to provide insight and material about the circular and green economy to the students and/or the public.
Activity Procurement Time :
April – May 2024
Competition Time :
April – June 2024 Participants
• Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Office
• Universities
Powered by @2024 LCDI Low Carbon Development Indonesia | Kementerian PPN/Bappenas
Welcome to the Green Economy Expo! We’re thrilled to have you join us in exploring sustainable solutions and innovations.
Please keep an eye on your inbox for event details and updates. We will send the invitation and registration code to access the venue between 28 June-2 July 2024